September 4, 2024

Passing the torch

Two of John Sutch's most experienced and talented operators Jason Sutch and Ian Gardner say there's 'nothing better' than bringing the next wave of crane drivers through

For Ian Gardner and Jason Sutch, their careers at John Sutch Cranes began almost fortuitously. Both men started working for the company 30 years ago, in the same week. Ian, who had previously worked as a caterer and chef, saw an opportunity for better pay and a new challenge. “I learned the ropes from my Dad, Wally, and other seasoned crane drivers,” Ian recalls. “Learning from the old hands was invaluable.”

Jason’s introduction to the crane industry was less conventional. “I was at a family wedding when John approached me and asked if I fancied working for him,” Jason says with a smile. “At the time, I knew nothing about cranes. John simply said, ‘Come on your day off.’ It was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up.”

Starting out in the industry back then was a different experience compared to today. “There wasn’t much paperwork; you just had to go out and figure things out on your own,” Ian remembers. “We learned by doing, guided by the old school lads like my Dad, who I’ve mentioned, but there were others with brilliant knowledge such as Billy and Barry. They knew what a proper job looked like, and I feel fortunate to have learned from them.”

Jason agrees, noting that the industry has become more structured over the years. “Nowadays, a lot of the new lads come in with previous experience from other companies. But back then, many of us were new to it. We got trained the right way by the experienced hands, and that’s something I’m grateful for.”

Both Ian and Jason have witnessed significant changes in the industry. “The paperwork and protocols have definitely increased,” Ian explains. “Everything is detailed now—where to put your crane, what jib to use. But back in the day, you had to rely more on your intuition and the guidance of experienced colleagues.”

“The equipment has also advanced significantly,” Jason adds. “The cranes we operate now are sophisticated and expensive pieces of kit. It’s a lot to take on, but with proper training and experience, we’ve managed to adapt well.”

Their careers have been marked by memorable projects. Ian recalls the pride of operating a crane inside Anfield. “We also worked on the Giants in town. Jobs like that are unique and rewarding.” Jason shares a recent experience, “We completed a 48-tonne lift in Seaforth and then went to Scotland for another job, loading wagons with large tanks and mixers. Each job is different, and that’s what keeps it exciting.”

Supporting new employees is a core value at John Sutch Cranes. “We’re always there to help the new guys,” Ian says. “If anyone needs assistance, we’re the first to step in. We want to make sure they don’t struggle and learn the right way, just like we did.”

And it’s not just staff members that John Sutch and his senior team stand by. Ian’s wife has been going through a tough time recently and John, Hayley Sutch, and Paul Connelly were the first to put Ian’s mind at ease regarding any time off. “They have been great,” Ian said. “I can’t thank them enough for what they have done.”

Back to the job and it’s very much education, education, education. “It’s all about being willing to learn,” Jason adds. “We have young lads like Alex, who’s only 17, and he’s getting great feedback. You have to be open to learning every day. When people ask questions, we provide insights and share our experience. That lad in particular is doing well and I’ve worked closely with him and I let him know – that’s what it’s about.”

Maintaining a successful team is about more than just professional skills. “It’s about treating each other like family or mates,” Ian explains. ”It’s not just a job; it’s a community. We’ve built this business on strong relationships and mutual respect.”

Jason echoes this sentiment, “We’re good friends outside of work too. You can’t take the mick out of each other on the job, but it’s those personal connections that make us a strong team. We’re lucky to have worked with some cracking lads over the years.”

As they reflect on their journey, both Ian and Jason express pride in what they’ve accomplished. “Looking back, I’m glad we did things the way we did,” Ian says. “It’s been a fantastic journey, and I’m proud of what we’ve achieved.”

“We’ve had great teachers and mentors, and now it’s our turn to pass on that knowledge,” Jason concludes. “If we do right by our customers and our team, the business will continue to thrive. Every single job is different, and that’s what makes it all worthwhile.”

Bridle Park,
Bridle Road,
L30 4UG
Rothesay Garage,
Globe Lane Industrial Estate,
SK16 4UU
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